About Us
HSG’s main objective is help Austrlia consumers on saving money on almost all products / services that a common man requires to live. Etc etc. You can use this HSG site for various purposes.
Some are listed below :
- Expert advice on any financial matter
- Best deals on several products through affiliates
- Join forums and start discussing with experts
- Expert guidance on choosing appropriate products
- Etc etc...
The service is FREE:
The services offered by HSG are free of cost to any Austrlia Household Customers. There is no money to be paid or hidden costs involved to register to the site / forum, to read articles /site pages, to seek guidance from experts etc etc.
Then how HSG generate money?
Through affiliate links. We research, study and analyse better deals and will put it on our site. When users like you clicks on those links, we may get some percent commission when you visited or bought any products or contacted them or combination of these tasks. Etc etc.